2012 Colorado Merlot Reserve Released
Make sure you swing on over and sample our newly released 2012 Colorado Merlot Reserve…it’s soooo delicious!
Make sure you swing on over and sample our newly released 2012 Colorado Merlot Reserve…it’s soooo delicious!
April 23, 2018
Sharon Brooks
Why don’t you ship wine to Ohio
April 25, 2018
Fleur Kaiser
We can ship to about 50% of the states and Ohio is not one of them. It all comes down to licensing and if the state allows shipping into that state. Also, sometimes, states can make it very difficult to obtain the license due to cost, amount of licenses required for each wine shipped and how often it needs to be renewed. It is all up to the state to decide and there is a website http://www.freethegrapes.com that will give you specific information regarding each state. I know we are in the process of obtaining some new licenses to ship to additional states and Ohio is one of them. We hope to be able to ship there sometime this summer. I will put you on our email list and notify you once we can ship!
May 3, 2018
Sharon Brooks
Great… please do. Thanks